Saturday, October 29, 2011

Witnessing: What Have We Witnessed?

"Witnessing" is a common term today used by Christians when sharing the gospel. This of course leads to the question of what does it mean to witness? We have not seen Christ, so what are we claiming to witness? Christians get a lot of crap because we put faith in events we have not witnessed. But what people fail to see is that we have witnessed God's love through Christ. Because we, as Christians, are called to be witnesses of Christ. Not as eye witnesses of the man who walked the earth, but as eye witnesses to his unlimited love that we uniquely experience through the teachings attributed to Christ. We are witnesses of love and hope in the world today. And we have found this love and hope through Jesus. While faith does deal with things unseen and uncertain, it affects our life in such away that everyone can see it through our very visible actions. Telling people the story of Jesus is not witnessing, it is merely theological background for the love and liberation that we have witnessed.

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